Work History

I am proud to have collaborated with the following companies:

  • Expedia GroupLatest

    Software Engineer II
    • Typescript React development of UI interfaces.
    • Creation of Node.js Express server and implemented typesafe API endpoints using Hapi.js framework + Typescript
    • Managing server and web app deployments using Jenkins and Spinnaker (CI/CD tools)
    • Java Springboot development of microservices such as AWS lambda
    • Collet and analyse log events and metrics from web app and servers through Datadog monitors and Splunk integrations(Observability).
  • Thought Studio

    Fullstack Developer
    • Development of UI web interfaces using jQuery in a ASP.MVC application.
    • API endpoints creation through .NET to query and update postgres database.
  • VALD

    Software Engineer
    • Development of UI web interfaces using Typescript React and managing states in application using MobX.
    • Querying and manipulation of mathematical data to plot relevant React charts in web application
    • Storybook development of reusable react components in a private shared library within the organization
    • Experienced in unit testing using react testing library and jest.
    • Managing and integrate changes into build using Jenkins, CI/CD tool.
    • API Endpoints creation using ASP.NET Core and managing deployments using Octopus Deploy
    • Implementing event-based architecture to scale applications across regions using Microservices and MassTransit.
    • Accessing Azure blob containers to store and upload files.
    • Experienced in querying data from Azure Table Storage and SQL databases
  • Liquid State

    Frontend web developer
    • Development of Web Applications using React JS, Redux Saga and Less( CSS pre -processor )
    • Experience in AWS app integration, retrieving relevant data from S3 bucket.
    • Storybook development that incorporates the use of React UI library, ANT design.
    • Collaborate with designers, developers, managers, clients and users to deliver solutions to meet client needs
    • Contribute to ongoing evolution of Liquid State's homegrown product and internal development processes
    • Respond to customer and testing team feedback to resolve issues and fix bugs
  • BankEdge

    Junior .NET developer
    • Generating of Razor/HTML views.
    • Implementation of Bootstrap 4 and Sass styling.
    • Javascript/jQuery application and usage of external APIs, such as Kendo & HighCharts, to implement desired functionality.
    • Knowledgeable in MVC 5 entity framework.
© Kevin Gunawan